Showing posts with label Acid Reflex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Acid Reflex. Show all posts

Monday 18 August 2014

Acidity - Signs and Symptoms

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

             When you caught into the Acidity line you may feel the following symptoms all together or a few. 

Chest burn,
Acid reflex,
Short temperament,
Loosing your concentration,
Foul smell from the mouth,
Yellowish green discoloration on the tongue and leaving burn like marks on the tongue partially, 
Loss of taste (anorexia),
Excess thirst or hunger often,
Feeling to pass motion just after having the food,
Throw out a yellowish fluid in the morning when brushing teeth,
Feel relief after having food,
Symptoms aggravates with spicy food,

In the later stages patient getting symptoms even when taking apples or cucumber.

These are the common symptoms patients presenting in the Clinic usually.

According to Ayurveda these symptoms leads to the conditions like Amlapitham,Grahani,Bhasmakam,Parinamasoola etc..
Consult your Physician for further advise.

Thank You for Reading and Sharing Blogs on Health Tips.

Dr.T.L.Xavier  B.A.M.S