Saturday, 23 May 2020

Necessity & Benefits of Tapioca Cultivation Nowadays

Necesity & Benefits of Tapioca Cultivation

Today I want to tell you about a different topic.

The natural calamities are affecting the nature a lot. 

The land area for the cultivation is becoming lesser every year after another.

The increased population and developing cities also a causative factor.

The major source for food are the rice and wheat,it requires a large area for the cultivation.

Here it raises the importance of the Tapioca cultivation.

The benefits are, its very easy to plant and harvest.

Very less labour work needed.

You can do it yourself without any help from others.

Throughout the year you can repeat it regardless of  the weather changes.

Small area of land is required to cultivate.

No much care is needed.

No need of pesticides as it is not much affected by pests and other insects. 

Less fertilisers are enough, no chemical fertilisers are required.

Ten months time is enough for the harvest.

Cost effective,very less or even no expenses for the cultivation.

You can depend on it as the main course food.

And also it can be used as snacks.

You can prepare curries and side dishes as well.

Since good old period, the mankind depended on this as main course across the globe.

Make sure you use it well cooked, there is a controversy that traces of natural cyanide particles present in it,which will be absolutely no more after cooked well. Which means no harm to the body (Nothing to worry as many people around the planet is living with this as the main meal).

Methods to cultivate:

It is safe as no fertilisers and Pesticides are used.

Cowdung, Coir pith, Vermi compost or any natural fertilisers will boostup the yield.

At first you loosen the soil very well before planting.

Prepare a bed of loose soil, height about a feet, add about 2kg of cowdung, and 50 gms of agricultural lime (calcium carbonate) to the soil desirable.

The distance between two plants should be one meter.

The 10 inches length stem of the plant can be used for the planting.

You can plant in two styles, vertical or horizontal methods. If you plant vertically, then two out of the three parts of the stem should be under the soil.

If you plant horizontally, then the entire stem should be laid only two inches under the soil.

Horizontal method gives more yield.

The health benefits are as follows:

1. High in carbohydrates

2. Rich in Calcium,Iron,vitamin K.

3.Good for development of bones.

4. Good to prevent anemia as it contains iron.

5. Rich in fibers hence preventing bloating problems compared to other root tubers.

6. It contains more potassium, it helps to control the blood pressure.

7. Releases plenty of Calories and energy to the body.

8. Good effective in reducing the chances for  Alzheimer's disease as it is rich in 
vitamin K.

9. It is Gluten free.

10. Can be used for main course meal, snacks, side dishes, curries and many other varities of food which is enough for you to stay healthy.

Above all, it's my favourite. Kappa (tapioca) with fish curry.

Thank you for Reading and sharing my blogs, for the interested layman in simple language.
