Thursday 11 January 2018

Benefits of Banana Plant

Botanical Name: Muesa Paradeceaca

Family Name: Muceaceae

Sanskrit Name: Kadhali, Mocha,

Tamil Name: Vazhai

Malayalam Name: Vazha

It grows in all the marshy wet land.
Grows up to 2 meter to 8 meters height.

Ayurveda Properties

Rasam: Madhuram

Gunam: Snigdham

Veeryam: Seetham

Vipakam: Mdhuram

Useful Parts:

Fruit, leaf, stem and tuber.

Benefits & Uses:

Improves digestive power.
Strengthen the body, vigor and vitality.

The leaf of the plant good to heal the burns.

The inner stem of the plant good to control piles.

Cleanse the intestines as it is very rich in fiber content.

In case of excess menstrual bleeding - take the raw banana juice 30 ml  mix with jagry  twice daily before food.

Stem of the plant juice 60 ml to be take twice daily before food - it is good to control excess urination.

Banana leaf juice to be applied on the burns will help to heal faster.

Dried banana powder can be given to kids for loose bowels.

Inner stem juice mix with turmeric powder and honey  is good to control Diabetes.

The burned root tuber powder 2 gms mix with milk to be taken four times daily - very good effective for belching due to indigestion.

Thank you for Reading and Sharing

Dr.T.L.Xavier  B.A.M.S