Sunday 17 December 2017

Medicinal Plants - Tinospora Cordifolia (Chitamruth)

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Today we will discuss about the most common Ayurveda herb which is the main ingredient in many of the Ayurveda medicines.

Botanical Name:Tinospora Cordifolia

Family name: Menispermaceae

Sanskrit Name is Gudoochi.

Malayalam Name: Amruth

Telugu: Guloochi

According to Ayurveda it is of ..

Rasam : Thiktha, Katu

Gunam: Ushnam, Snigdham

Veeryam: Ushnam

Vipakam: Madhuram

It is Common climbing shrub growing on high trees in tropical western India, Burma and SriLanka. It grows up to 10 meters height on the trees.

The entire plant, stem, leaves and root are used in preparing medicines.

It is useful in cases like; Seminal debility, fever, jaundice, skin diseases, rheumatism, urinary diseases etc..

It purifies the blood, promoting digestive power, effective in kidney disorders,diabetes etc..

It is very good effective and commonly used preparation for the feverish conditions...


The juice of the stem 15 ml with one teaspoon honey to be taken twice daily before breakfast and dinner for 5 days can help to subside the feverish conditions in general...


The tender stem juice, gooseberry juice and fresh turmeric juice in equal quantity 10 to 15 ml to be taken before breakfast and before dinner is effective to control diabetes.

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Dr.T.L.Xavier B.A.M.S