Sunday 24 December 2017

Medicinal Plants - Adalodakam

Botanical Name: Adathoda Vasica

Family Name: Acanthaceae

Sanskrit Name: Vasa

Tamil Name: Adathodai

Malayalam Name: Adalodakam

This plant grows most part of India in any weather and soil.
It is two types, one with small types of leaves and another with broad leaves. Small leaves one better effective. It is called in Malayalam as 'Cheriya Adalodakam'.

It is shrub which grows 1- 2 meter height.

Ayurveda Properties:

Rasam: Thiktha, Kashayam

Gunam: Laghu

Veeryam: Seetham

Vipakam: Kadu

Parts Used: Leaves and Root.

It helps to increase the platelet count in Blood.
Reduces Phlegm,
Controls Cough,
Helps to arrests the bleeding,
effective in Bronchial Asthma.


1. One table spoon 'adalodaka' leaf juice mix with equal quantity of Honey to be taken thrice daily can be reduce the wheezing, Cough, phlegm in chest etc..

2. In case of excess menstrual bleeding, 15 ml tender leaf juice mix with 15 gms jagry to be taken twice daily before food. It will help to control the bleeding.

3. Adalaodaka whole plant boil with water to be drink frequently is effective in bleeding piles, wheezing and cough.

4. Adalodaka leaf juice, Ginger juice and honey in equal quantity this mixture is also effective in Cough with phlegm, Bronchial Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis etc.  

5. Decoction of leaf and root mix with pepper powder one pinch is effective in common cough.

These are some of the medicinal uses of this plant. It has got no side effects and safe normally.

 If it is found not effective consult your Ayurveda Physician for further advice.

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Dr.T.L.Xavier B.A.M.S