Monday 16 October 2017

Occurrence of Pain - Ayurveda View

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Here we discuss about the most common sign in most of the ailments - the Pain.

According to Ayurveda the pain occurring due to the excess activity of the wind element in the body.

All the movements and changes happening in the universe by the proper range of the wind element in the universe.  

Same way in the human body the wind element controls all the normal functions. In Sanskrit we call 'Vatha'.

When the wind aggravates it creates a kind of dryness in the universe, as the washed cloths drying up in the wind.

Same way in our human body when the vatha aggravates it creates the dryness, we call it in Sanskrit 'Rookshatha'

When the 'rookshthwa' or dryness aggravates by the excess wind, here also it causes the lacing of body fluids, dryness of skin, brittle stages of muscle fibers, tendons, nerves, blood vessels etc. It may leads to degeneration of bones,slip disc and such disc problems too due to the above said reasons.

The signals from the brain passing to the different areas through the nerves. For the proper functioning of the nerves we should have adequate fluid balance  in every tissues of the body. 

When the nerve supply affects it reflects as the pain. 
Ayurveda Says three basic causes of every ailments are of  

1.'Amavastha' (kind of tenderness)

2.'Sopha' (Inflamation)

or 3. 'Srothorodha' (blockage)

Here the blockages is happening due to the aggravated wind element.

The signs of aggravated wind (vatha):

 Emaciation of muscles,
 Spreading blackish discoloration,
 Affinity to have warm weather and food,
Weakness of body,
poor functioning of sense organs,
giddiness, and looking poor.

we will continue with the causes of  aggravated wind and how to manage the pain in upcoming blogs.

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Dr.T.L.Xavier  B.A.M.S