Monday 11 July 2016


Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Today we discuss about the most common problem the modern world facing these days which is the Overweight.

 There are number of advertisements and clinics around which offers various weight reduction programs.

 Everything based on a previous data or with a scientific background.

 Everything got its own benefits, and the result varies person to person or condition to condition.

Here we look into certain common factors involving in the Obesity problem.

The major reasons may be the following,

1. Over eating, frequent eating, untimely food.

2. Taking Rich food which is of good calorie value.

3. Junk food, which having artificial colors, preservatives etc and alcohol too.
4. Lack of exercises, very restricted routine movements only.

5. Side effect of medication.

7. Easy going attitudes.

8. Gynecological disorders, hormonal changes.

9. Excessive sleep

10. Craving for meat, fish, dairy products and sweets.

These are the common issues which lead to gaining weight excessively.

We will discuss these points in detail on upcoming blogs.

Thank you for reading and sharing.