Thursday 21 August 2014

The Origin and Spread of Ayurveda - The Science of Life

Hi Readers and My Dear Patients,

Today we think a bit about the history of Ayurveda -  the origin and spread of “Ayurveda” the science of life.
 ‘Ayur’ means Life and ‘veda’ means Science.

Ayurveda- its a 5000 years plus old science. As old as the Vedic Period.

 Ancient Indian philosophy says that the creator “Brahma” created the entire universe and all the living beings here in this earth.

 They lived very peacefully amicably and healthy too.
 Lately by the time upon their bad deeds,pollution,bad qualities and actions, the man kind affected many kinds of diseases.

 Then the creator Brahma remembered and recollected from his mind,passed the science of life to heal the world  to the ancient sages of India.

They passed over generation by generation finally through Lord Indran,Aswins,Athreya then Susrutha and Charaka .

 They made their own tretises named “Sushrutha Samhitha” by Susruth acharya and “Charaka Samhitha” by Charaka Acharya.

 Sushrutha samhita more on to the surgical branch (Shalyathanthra) where as Charaka samhitha explained well about the Kayachikitsa(general medicine). 

Vagbhata Acharya who learned from both of these texts  made his text named Ashtanga hrudayam. Which dealt in eight branches.

 Vagbata Acharya travelled all over India to spread this science of life ,finally he reached  Kerala ,lived here some time and died here.

 That may be one of the reason this science is still very sound in Kerala,south India.

Thank you for Reading and Sharing my blogs and join for the Spread of Ayurveda.

Thank you.

Dr.T.L.Xavier  B.A.M.S