Sunday 17 August 2014

Precautions During the Monsoon Season

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

In Kerala the Monsoon this year bit heavy.

 There are chances for Viral fever,Allergy,Bronchial asthma,Rheumatic Complaints etc.

The atmosphere turns contaminated,rivers,wells and other water resources too in a threat.

Most of the diseases spreading through polluted water.
As a precaution we should use boiled water,water should boil at least for 20 minutes time.

 Even if we use filter again we have to boil it.

Will help to kill the unwanted germs and viruses.

Wells and other water resources can purify with bleaching powder and potassium per magnate depending on the condition.

Food also can take warm and fresh.
Wash the hands with mild soap liquids.

Keep up the personnel hygiene with all the measures.

Don't take  out side food which prepare and sell in unhygienic conditions.

Prefer well cocked,light and easily digestible food especially during the monsoon season.

Prefer more vegetables and fruits which contains more fiber.

Reduce or avoid Non- vegetarian food stuff especially meat and fish during monsoon.

Keep up the proper waste management with utmost care.  

Mosquitoes are the other major carriers of viruses. 

As a protective measure clear off the blockages of waste water.

 Deep wells and other water storage tanks should be covered tightly to protect the spread of mosquitoes.

 Unwanted plastic containers and other such materials may collect the waste water and chance for growing the eggs of mosquitoes. 

The cold weather and water particles in the atmosphere will help to grow and spread the viruses easily.

Smoking with herbs and dried Neem (Azardracta Indica) leaf will work as natural germicidal.

 In ancient texts it is suggested to smoke with herbs in the bedrooms and dresses too.

You can use mild germicides to clean the toilets and even for kitchen utensils. 

Keep covering  the mouth with hands when sneeze and cough.

Always keep a towel when we caught of cold and cough it will control the spread of viruses.

Hugging and shaking hands to greet each other should be careful.

Should not dump the waste in open and public spaces. It should be properly destroyed. 

Thank you for Reading and Sharing.

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