Sunday 24 August 2014

Hot Weather going to affect you; Some simple tips to protect yourself.

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

As you all know i am living at the center zone of Kerala,south India. The April just going to end,but this year it is getting very hot so early. 

So we all, very anxious about the March, April and May.

 I think it is going to record new high in the temperature chart this year.

 Naturally scarcity of water,dust,pollution,and a number of communicable diseases may spread faster.

According to Ayurveda, six seasons are there, this period the "vasantha rithu" going to end and we are entering into "Greeshama Rithu" which will be the beginning of the hot season.

 The vatha dosha will aggravate and the Pitha tending to go up - i mean the wind and fire element. 
In this season we have to stay away from the food and lifestyle which will aggravate the wind and fire element in the body.

 And prefer more food which gives cooling and unctuous properties after the digestion(after reaching the greeshma rithu). 

Here is a list;
All the spicy are hot in potency so avoid chilly,pepper etc. 

After the sisira rithu next comes the vasantha rithu(february-march) during this season the digestive power will be lesser so we should not take any heavy food stuff which is difficult to digest.

 When it become hot, out side the human body,our internal fire energy spreading out hence digestion will be poor. That is why suggesting light and easily digestible food in this season.

Oil massages,oil application through the nostrils,induced vomiting etc can be done now with the direction of an ayurvedic physician in order to cleanse the system(panchakarma therapy).

Sandal paste can be applied over the body after the bath.

The meat should be grilled under fire before eating followed by honey.

Light alcoholic preparations and can accompany with lovely partner - recommended. 

The drinking water can be boiled with dried ginger or water added with honey can be used for drinking purposes.

Day time sleep compulsorily avoided in this season.
 To avoid sleep we can walk along the green forests or rest under the trees during the day-suggested.
In the diet strictly avoid heavy,cold,unctuous and citrus items.
 For example avoid pork,lamb,deep fried items,burgers,pizza,diary products etc.

Can go for steamed and light break fast -porridge is better.
Dinner- soup based noodles preferred.

we will continue... your comments appreciated.

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