Sunday 7 August 2016

Friday 5 August 2016

Ayurveda;The Way of Life : Rheumatic Patients should avoid....

Ayurveda;The Way of Life : Rheumatic Patients should avoid....: Hello Readers and My Dear Patients, A quick look chart for the patients who suffering; Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteo Porosis, Osteo Arthr...

Wednesday 3 August 2016

Ayurveda;The Way of Life : Asthma / Allergy / Nasal Polyp - Ayurveda Food & R...

Ayurveda;The Way of Life : Asthma / Allergy / Nasal Polyp - Ayurveda Food & R...: Hello Readers and My Dear Patients, The weather in June to December is very hectic for the Asthma and Allergy Patients usually.  Here a...

Sunday 31 July 2016

Ayurveda;The Way of Life : Ayurveda - The Science of Life

Ayurveda;The Way of Life : Ayurveda - The Science of Life: Ayurveda,its a 5000 years old science.  The story behind -the Creator "Brahma" created this entire universe and all the livin...

Friday 29 July 2016

Dr.T.L.Xavier B.A.M.S - Vision and Mission


Dr.Xavier’s Ayur Clinic founded by Dr.T.L.Xavier.B.A.M.S, is an Ayurveda specialty clinic for'Bone & Joint' diseases and Life style disorders.

  Located in the cultural capital of Kerala “Thrissur” amidst verdant surroundings one is able to heal ones body and soul without the tensions of living through rigid treatment rigmaroles.

 The comfort of an homely atmosphere lends itself to providing you with an ambiance of peace and quiet.

It needs no emphasizing that from a small fever to something as serious as cancer is the resultant of ones’ daily life activities.

 If were to imbibe certain correct 'Life Habits' one can stay healthy, young and energetic throughout ones life.

 Some of the most common diseases prevalent are the ones relating to Bone and joint issues, besides obesity, PCOD, other hormonal issues, Diabetes, Asthma, Allergies, Piles etc.

 All these occur due to ones food habits, living style, carelessness, stress, overtime office works etc.

 Majority of these diseases can be avoided  if you maintain a healthy life style and remain mentally fit and physically strong.

At Dr Xavier's Ayur Clinic the emphasis is on maximum treatment at minimum cost.

 Unnecessary tests and therapies are avoided and only the critical ones are recommended.

 The aim here is to save the patient from unnecessary surgeries, believing that - we would like to live with all the organs we are born with until our death.

At Dr Xavier's Ayur Clinic home stays are arranged on demand for those in search of a complete break from their mundane daily chores and seek rejuvenation and refit.

To spread pure Ayurveda - staying as close to its basic principles as possible without compromising on core conventional methods and styles.

Location :

Dr Xavier's Ayur Clinic is located at Thiroor, 7.5 Kms away from Trichur town in Kerala State.
 One can reach here by road , or if by train after alighting at Thrissur and if by air from Nedumbassery airport by road a distance of 55 kms or an hour’s run.

 8 am to 8 pm.  Strictly on appointment 7 days of the week.

About Dr:Xavier

Dr.Xavier from Thrissur is an Ayurveda practitioner for the last two decades.

 He inherited the legacy in Ayurveda from his grandfather Devasy Vaidyar an eminent paramparic Ayurveda practitioner of repute from Chavakkad in Thrissur District.

 Realizing the need for carrying forward the parampric legacy of his grand father he decided to study the subject in a more professional manner and obtained his BAMS degree after attending Ayurveda College at Coimbatore.

 After completion of his degree he joined AVP as a trainee physician and served  there for years.

 While there he had the good fortune of travelling to Malayasia, Dubai etc. and overseeing of functioning of that clinic at that places.

 He also trained under Vaidyamadom Cheriya Narayana Namboothiri as also the doyen of Ayurveda Ashtavaidyan Padma Bhushan ET Narayanan Moos of the famed Thaikkatuserry Ayurveda family.

He brings with him over twenty two years of rich Ayurveda tradition having worked with the experts in the field.

 The culmination of the learning curve saw him launching his own institution with the aim of progressing his craft in the light of the wisdom gleaned from his tutelage under the biggest names in paramparic treatment.

Some of the illustrious names he interned under sounds like an Who’s Who of Ayurveda.

They are:- 
Padmasree Dr.Rajagopalan,

 Brahmasree Vaidyamdom Cheriya Narayanan Namoothiri, 

 Sri.Pulamanthole Arayan Mooss, 

Sri.Pulamanthole Sankaran Mooss,

 Padmabooshan Vaidyaratnam Sri.E.T.Narayanan Mooss,  

Sri.CNS Gangadharan Vaidyar,

Dr.Sr.Austin at Amala Hospital Trichur,

Dr.K.S.Warrier ,
Dr.Ramankutty Warrier,

And he did his Yoga training under Prof. V.Vasudeven who is the student of Sri AAram Thamburan.

Dr. Xavier is also an Ayurveda consultant to many Celebrities and  Royal families  

Sunday 24 July 2016

Vatha Diet

Hello my Readers and Patients,

Today i want to mention a few things you might noticed in my last blog posts.

When  ever i recommending the diet for different conditions there is some common factors in many of those menu.

Usually i suggest to avoid things which are  windy stuff,for example all the root tubers except carrots,lentils especially yellow dal,green peas,ground nut etc.

When we take these items generally we getting symptoms like bloating,burping,belching,chest burn,flatulence,constipation,piles problems etc.
 as these food items are of wind dominant items and they gives the above said signs and symptoms.

 And when we take the wind aggravating food stuff it causes the aggravation of the wind element in the body.

When the wind element aggravates in the body it causing the Aches and Pains,Insomnia,Constipation,Disturbs the digestive power irregularly.

 It may lead to most of the diseased conditions too.

According to Ayurveda science the wind element has got the major role in human body and life.

 The functions of the balanced wind element are as follows; enthusiasm,breathing,movements of the limbs,controls the excretory system,controls the metabolism,controls the proper functioning of the five sense organs etc.

And the aggravated wind element in the human body creates the following conditions; emaciation of the body,blackish discoloration,desire towards the hot,shivering,distension of the stomach,constipation,weakness of the body and mind,insomnia,low perception of five sense organs,blabbering,giddiness,looks poor etc.

Not only that Ayurveda texts says that generally 80 types manifestations of diseases in the human body is due to aggravated wind element.

From the above said factors you can understand the importance of balanced wind element and how much serious will be the aggravated wind condition.

When the wind imbalances it hits in any manner on the body.

 So we must seriously take into consideration of keeping the balanced wind. 

The best way is to avoid the wind aggravating factors from our daily life.

 So go back to the top of this blog read again and print on the mind the diet which aggravates wind element or the “vatha dosha” in Sanskrit term. 

Here we explained about the diet only there are many things in our daily life styles and routines which aggravates the wind element.

 We will discuss in coming blog posts.

Thank you so much for reading and sharing the message Spread Ayurveda.


Friday 22 July 2016

Urinary Stone - Simple Tips

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Today we discuss about a commonly seen problem Urinary Calculus or Kidney stone.

 In Ayurveda texts it is explained as the ‘Moothrasmari’ in Sanskrit term.

 It is differentiating according to the site where it is located,the size,shape and the sediment stuff.

Usually seen in people where they were in a more dehydrating area.

 People who works out side especially in hot weather and high temperature areas.

 People who all working long hours and not particular about to drink sufficient quantity of water then there is chance to get this issue very easily.

Once you found the calculus,then it is better to avoid taking tomato,cabbage,brinjal and items which is having more calcium content.

They should take plenty of water in a day,on an average drink 3-4 Ltr water daily till the calculus diminishes.

The general symptoms are as follows;
mild fever,burning sensation while passing urine,low urine out put and pain in lower abdomen,blood tint in the urine,lower back ache some time pain on the hip area.

You can confirm with a Ultra Sonography test on abdomen.

Simple Tips to control the symptoms;

Drink one tender coconut water daily, take more horse gram,tender inner stem of palatine is also good- you can take as curry or squeeze and drink the juice early morning in empty stomach. Add more drumstick plant leaf in curry.

One whole cardamom with seeds and husk just crush it a put it in a tender coconut for 5 hours then chew the cardamom and drink the tender coconut water.

Take 20 gms of tender leaves paste of the plant ‘vitex nigundo’ (karinochi) early morning in empty stomach.

Prepare a concoction with Drumstick plant root and to be taken twice daily before food.

In advanced conditions with severe symptoms surgical removal is necessary.

For further information contact your Ayurveda Physician.

Thank you for Reading and Sharing my Blogs.

For more blogs on Ayurveda health tips please Google Search: Dr.Xavier Ayurveda Blogs 


Thursday 21 July 2016

Turmeric-Benefits & Uses


Botanical Name: Curcuma Longa

Family Name: Zingiberace

Sanskrit Name: Haridra

Malayalam Name: Manjal

Useful Part: Rhizome (root tuber)

Sinusitis,sneezing and nose block....
Half teaspoon pure Turmeric powder mix with a cup of hot milk to be taken early in the morning.

Inhale the smoke from the burning turmeric also will give relief.

Ear ache:

Fresh turmeric juice mix with one fourth quantity of mustard oil stir well and boil for few minutes.

 After cooling 4 drops can be applied in the ear to reduce the ear ache.

Intestinal worms:

Fresh turmeric juice one teaspoon,asafoetida powder(Kayam) one pinch mix together take in empty stomach for 7 days.


Dry turmeric Powder add five times gooseberry powder and store well in a air tight jar. Two teaspoon mix with half a glass of hot water to be taken before break fast and before dinner. 
Regular use will give good results.

For further advise contact your Ayurveda physician.

Thank you for Reading and Sharing the Blogs.


Wednesday 20 July 2016

Heart Patients - Simple Tips

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Simple Health Tip for Heart Patients;

Cardiac patients can take the milk boiled with garlic. 

It is suggested in ‘Ashtangahrudayam’ the Ayurveda text 5000 years ago.

 The ingredients and method of preparation as follows.

Garlic 30 gms
Milk 150 ml
water 450 ml
Clean the garlic and peal the skin crush it gently pack it in a white cotton cloth piece put in a vessel add 150 ml pure cow milk and add 450 ml water,then boil till the quantity became 150 ml from 600 ml.

 Then squeeze out the cloth bag stir well the milk,to be taken daily after dinner.

The benefits are good for bloating,burping,flatulence,cardiac  blockages,help to bring down the Cholesterol and Triglycerides level in the blood.

For more information contact your Ayurveda Physician.

Thank you for Reading and Sharing my Blogs on Ayurveda health Tips. Google Search 'Dr.Xavier Ayurveda Blogs'


Sunday 17 July 2016

Diabetes - Simple Tips

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Today we will discuss about some simple single drug remedies for Diabetic patients.

1.       Dried  Turmeric powder and Gooseberry  mix it in 1:6 proportion,keep it in a dried glass vessel.
 10 gm of this powder mix with 60 ml hot water to be taken half an hour before breakfast and dinner.

2.  Bitter-god juice 100 ml to be taken 2 hours after breakfast or half an hour before lunch.

3.      15 ml juice of Tinspora Cordifolia juice (chitamruth) mix with half teaspoon turmeric powder to be taken early morning in empty stomach.

4.       Bark of Zyzigium Jumbolanum (Jumbool fruit tree) 30 gm boil in 2 Ltr water boil and reduce to 1.5 Ltr, filter it and use for Drinking during the day.

5.       Diabetic patients should not take Curd.

6.       Half an hour brisk walking desirable.

7.       Yoga and meditation to calm the mind gives remarkable improvements.

8.       Practice the ‘Vajrasanam’ daily

Consult your physician for further advice.

Thank you for Reading and Sharing my blogs.

Dr.T.L.Xavier  B.A.M.S