Thursday 14 July 2016

Pregnancy and Child Birth

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Pregnancy and Child Birth
When a girl reaching puberty she should follow the Ayurveda regiments it will help to keep away the gynecological disorders and also it will help to have a normal conception,pregnancy and deliver a healthy Baby.

In Ayurveda it is very well explained the routines to follow from conception to delivery period.

 During her first pregnancy normally will have a lot of anxiety regarding the growth of the baby about the position in the uterus,how to walk,how to lay down,what all have to eat,what all the items should avoid etc. 

All those information narrated in detail in Ayurveda texts years back.

The food,rest,sleep,hygiene,dress code,regular consultation all these have its own importance during the pregnancy period.

 The complete healthy mind,body,satisfaction and happiness of the couple will affect the Baby.

Ayurveda says the end of winter season is the best time to get pregnant,because the delivery time will be ideal weather.

 For getting a healthy Baby we should plan and follow the diet and lifestyle accordingly can add the natural medication too even before conception.

 At the time of conception the mother should be very healthy, 21- 25 years of age will be most suitable age for the first pregnancy. 

Before 21st year the conception will have more chances for miscarriages,preterm labor,intrauterine growth retardation,lac of breast milk, above all the they won’t be mentally prepared for a healthy pregnancy before this age.

Ayurveda teaches very well about all these and how to manage these conditions etc in the basic Ayurveda texts like ashtanga hrudaya,charaka samhita and sushrutha samhita etc.

The most appropriate time for the conception will be from 8th day to 20th day from starting date of menstruation.

 The primary symptoms of pregnancy are; nausea,delay in menstruation date,vomiting,excess salivation in mouth,tiredness,enlargement of breasts,frequent tendency for passing urine,short temperament,desire towards certain food items etc..

During the first trimester there is chance for slight bleeding,complete bed rest needed during this stage.

Normal duration of pregnancy will be about weeks.

 6th week onward will begin to form the head and body in the uterus. 

7th week hand and legs will form,8th week onward heart beat will start.

 During the second trimester the mother can feel the movement of baby in the womb.

 It is called quickening. 13th week we can identify the sex. 16th week all the organs will be formed.

And on 20th week mother can feel the movements of the limbs in the womb.

During the third trimester,28th week all the organs and limbs formed very well.

 Even if the premature delivery happens at seventh month the baby can survive with utmost care. 

32nd week the baby will be about 1.5 kg weight.

 On the 36th week the baby will be full grown and weighing about 2.5 kg to 3 kg weight. 

32nd week onward baby will lay head down. 

40th week will be full term and delivery will happen.

Ayurveda texts Ashtanga hrudayam,charaka samhita and sushruth samitha narrated the conception,pregnancy,child birth,diet,lifestyle,medication,hygiene,exercises,sleep,rest,how to manage the complications,post par tum care etc very well about 5000 years ago itself.

Thank you Reading and Sharing my Blogs.

Dr.T.L.Xavier  B.A.M.S

Tuesday 12 July 2016

Brief about 'Pichu" - Ayurveda Treatment Method

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

What is the Treatment method called “PICHU”?

It is one of the common treatment method in Ayurveda. 

It is advised in case of the aches and pains aggravated in the joints by the elevated wind element in the body which creates the dryness and pain as a result of the ‘vatah vrudhi’.

Even though we are taking the internal medication as well as external panchakarama treatments,the pain may aggravate due to various reasons.

Here we have to do the treatment “Pichu”.

How to do the Pichu?

We need a cotton piece which will be sufficient size to cover the affected area. 

Warm the prescribed oils pour and keep the oil in a plate,dip the cotton piece and put it over the affected area for one hour.

 In between warm the oil again and pour it on the cotton piece a few times. 

This can be repeated for twice or thrice.

Try to do it continuously minimum for 7 days as a course of the treatment,and if you can do it on same time daily, it will be better.

The oil should be warm moderately,if it is too hot will burn the skin.

 So we have to check the temperature of oil before application.

The medicated oils should prescribe depending on the severity of the pain,site affected,whether swelling is associated or not,body condition etc.

How it works:
 Generally most of the painful condition occurring due to the aggravated wind element by different reasons. 

There will be lac of synovial fluids inside the joint and degenerative changes also. 

In a Dried up state when we keep the warm oil for an hour time it sucks and absorb into the affected area easily.

 It will help to pacify the pain slowly,and one more thing is that the internal medication which the patient taking will enhance the absorption of the oil properly.

Hope this info is enough to clarify. 

Thank you for Reading and Sharing.


Monday 11 July 2016


Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Today we discuss about the most common problem the modern world facing these days which is the Overweight.

 There are number of advertisements and clinics around which offers various weight reduction programs.

 Everything based on a previous data or with a scientific background.

 Everything got its own benefits, and the result varies person to person or condition to condition.

Here we look into certain common factors involving in the Obesity problem.

The major reasons may be the following,

1. Over eating, frequent eating, untimely food.

2. Taking Rich food which is of good calorie value.

3. Junk food, which having artificial colors, preservatives etc and alcohol too.
4. Lack of exercises, very restricted routine movements only.

5. Side effect of medication.

7. Easy going attitudes.

8. Gynecological disorders, hormonal changes.

9. Excessive sleep

10. Craving for meat, fish, dairy products and sweets.

These are the common issues which lead to gaining weight excessively.

We will discuss these points in detail on upcoming blogs.

Thank you for reading and sharing.


Sunday 10 July 2016

Memory Booster for the kids...

Description: F:\Photos\Medicinal Plants\20140709_101809.jpgHello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Memory Booster for the kids...

Its the exam season for the school going groups...

You should set your mind to work hard..
Target your goal, dream it and Achieve.

Fix your working hours,sleeping hours,study leisure etc..

Fix a schedule for everything..

Eat less but have good calorie value food items.

Keep away the food articles which disturbs your digestion, mental and physical activities..

Here is a list of Ayurvedic  Memory boosters which will help your mind open,feel enthusiasm and relaxed.

 Also help you to work more,grasp better and recollect easily.

Consult your Ayurvedic doctor to fix the suitable ones according to your body conditions..

Saraswatha Gritham
Rajanyadi Choornam
Saraswatha Choornam
Brahmi Grutham
Brahma Rasayanam
Brahmi Thailam
Lakshadi Velichenna and many more...

Let your doctor fix it after examining  you personally.

Thank you for reading and sharing my blogs,spread the message ‘Ayurveda Living’.


Friday 8 July 2016

How the Natural Forces Influencing the Human Body

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

The Natural forces are the Space,Air,Fire,Water and Earth and these five elements ruled by the Sun and Moon.

 We surviving because of their proper balanced state or by maintaining the absolute equilibrium.

 When it breaks the equilibrium, it reflects in the entire universe, leads to the natural calamities like earth quake,flood,depression,tsunami,drought, Heavy rain fall etc..

The modern science is growing faster enough to trace and track them up to a certain extend.

 That is why now we can predict the tornado,solar eclipse,Rain etc. 

And also we are able to measure it with the maximum accuracy.

Even though, when we reach so close to the universal forces then we realize that what we found is just a fraction only and we have to travel infinite to the absolute truth.

 Our scientists works throughout day and night to define the natural forces,till now we don’t have a final answer.

The human body also influenced by these life forces.

What ever actions happening in our body is due to the proper balancing of these energies. 

When it breaks the equilibrium it appears as the various illnesses.

 In our body each one of them has got its own duties.

 The space element allows to hear, Air element gives the feeling of touch and controls the nervous system, the fire digesting the food and controls the circulatory system,water maintains the fluid balance and gives the unctuousness to the body, and the earth element gives the shape and keep up the musculature of the body.

 And these are functioning depending on the cold from the Moon or heat from the Sun. 

In short,the air,the fire,the water (vatha,pitha and kapha in sanskrit) plays the major role. 

The Air or ‘Vatha’ controls the entire nervous system. 

Walking,thinking,excretion,speech,memory and many more activities are happening by the proper functioning of the air or vatha dosha.

When a patient complaints,aches,pains,stiffness,constipation or blockage of urine etc. here we can understand the aggravation of the wind element. 

When the vatha dosha aggravates it is affecting any one or more above said functions.

 It denotes the severity of illness when it affecting more number of systems.

When the fire or pitha dosha affecting, it shows different signs and symptoms on the skin and the digestive system too.

When the water or ‘kapaha dosha’ aggravates it presents symptoms like phlegm accumulation, bronchial asthma, obesity etc.

Just like the clouds show the chance for rain, we can read the various illnesses from the presenting pre-monitory signs and symptoms from the body.

The Ancient texts Charaka Samhitha, Sushrutha Samhitha and Ashtanaga hrudayam explained about these more than 5000 years back itself.

Thank You So Much for Reading and Sharing my Blogs.

For more related blogs google search 'Dr.Xavier Ayurveda'

Thursday 7 July 2016

Panchakarma Therapy - Nasyam

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Brief about ‘Nasyam’- Medicated oil application through Nostrils..

Nasyam is one of the Panchakarma Therapy.

 It is of two types ‘marsham’ and ‘prathimarsham’.

‘Marsha Nasyam’ is for cleansing the vitiated dosha it is doing for 3, 5 or 7days only, depending on the severity of illness.

 The dosage 8 drops usually.
 Pre and post care should be taken when doing the Marsha Nasyam.

 Patient should follow the restrictions very strictly.Otherwise it may counter acts.

Prathimarsha Nasyam can be done regularly for long period.

The dosage is two drops. The pre and post care not that strict as Marsha Nasyam.

It is very good effective in the illnesses affecting above the clavicle that is diseases occurring on  head region.

 It can be applied in cases like, Septal deviation, Nasal Polyp, Dust Allergy, Allergic Rhinitis, Migraine, Vascular Headache, Sinus Problems, Frozen Shoulder, Spondilitis,Degenerative conditions of cervical Bones, facial palsy, hemiplegia, paraplegia etc.

Depends on the condition of the patient and severity of illness we have to fix different range of oils.

Nasyam can be done with herbal powders(choorna Nasyam), Tender leaf juice (Swarasam) and sometimes herbal decoctions also can be used.

Nasyam should not be done below the age of seven, just after food, above 80 years old, asthmatic patients,after taking alcohol,During Vamanam,Vasthi and Virechanam etc.

Another Classification for Nasyam are as follows; Brumhana Nasyam, Samana Nasyam and Shodhana Nasyam.

There is a lot to write about Nasyam,we will go into the details in later blogs.

Thank you so much for reading and sharing my blogs.