Tuesday 5 July 2016

An Outlook on Ayurveda and Modern Medicine

The difference in the principles of Modern medicine and Ayurveda.

Ayurveda stands for the prevention and maintenance of the Health as well as to treat the diseases affecting the Human body.

 And also there is parallel branches like 'vruksha ayurveda' and 'mruga ayurveda' in order to treat the plants and the animals respectively.

The preventive and maintenance methods of ayurveda coming under the branch called ‘swasthavrutham’ and treating the diseases  under the ‘athura vrutham’.

Swasthavrutham explains about when to wake up,how to do the morning ablutions,oil application,excercises,bath,how to behave,how to live in the community amicably and lead a peaceful life.
The diet and lifestyle according to the weather changes,precautions to be taken care during different seasons,how to treat the common ailments due to the influence of the seasonal changes etc.

Ayurveda says prevention is better than cure.

‘Athuravrutham’ explains the properties of the life forces,how it influence our body,different symptoms when it aggravates,decreases and how it will be,when balanced.

 How to treat the various stages of vitiation of the life forces - by the five fold cleansing therapy and by Rejuvenating the body.

In ayurveda not treating the disease but treating the body,cleansing,rejuvenating and hence improving the immunity of a person.

 It is not the treatment method but a lifestyle. We have to practice it for life time,should know the dos and don'ts,different body type etc.

In modern medicine we find out the disease and name it. 

And treating that particular disease condition with chemically derived combinations which gives fast relief but many cases gives rise to the side effects.

 The modern medicine developed a lot in last few decades as it gives quick results.

 In this fast moving life schedule many are forced to depend the modern system of medications.

The after effects neglected usually.
In a cardiac emergency or in an accident case such conditions the modern medicine can be done a lot.

But people turning to ayurveda for the chronic conditions like Rheumatic problems,skin diseases,asthmatic conditions,Diabetes,Piles,Kidney stones,infertility,acidity,migraine,sinus,allergies,gynecological disorders and many lifestyle problems can be sort out with ayurveda support.

 Ayurveda says,live in harmony with the nature then the disease is no more.

During the ayurveda consultation the physician studies the nature of the body type,dominant life fores,imbalanced states etc from the signs and symptoms.

For analyzing a patient ayurveda using tools like ‘darshana,sparshana and prashana’ means by seeing the patient,by touch and by asking questions to the patient.

Here is a brief about the difference in the views of ayurveda and modern medicine.

Thank you for reading and sharing my blog.


Monday 4 July 2016

Skin Diseasee - Lichenplanus Ayurveda View...

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

It is a typical range of skin  disease.
It is affecting our nervous system and circulatory system in addition to the skin.

According to ayurveda science it is causing by the deranged Pitha Dosha and Raktha Dhathu. In order to control the diseases we should avoid the diet and Lifestyle which will enhance the vitiation of Pitha Dosha and Raktha Dhathu (ie. The fire element and the blood)

Here is a list of diet and lifestyle which should avoid the Lichenplanus Patient.


Sea food,
Oily Deep fried items,
Spicy food,
Diary products (Ghee,Butter,Cheese)
Meet (especially  Chicken,Eggs,Beef)

The above said items they should avoid completely or reduce the intake as much as possible because these items will aggravate the Lichenplanus symptoms.

They can prefer more;

Green Leafy vegetables,
Fruits (especially grapes,melons,banana,pomegranate etc.)
Thin butter milk and Boiled butter milk,
Long beans,
Cucumber etc..

Will be back to you with more info...

Thank you for Reading and Sharing my blogs,


Sunday 3 July 2016

Importance of Laxatives in Ayurveda Treatment

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

In most of the Ayurveda prescriptions will have the Laxative medication either in medicated oil, ghee or Powder form. 

Ayurveda believes  the principle “prevention is better than cure” and in general all the illnesses is treating with the cleansing therapy mostly.

In Ayurveda, cleansing and rejuvenating the system in order to attain the balanced state of the three life forces and maintains the healthy state of mind and body.

The Importance of laxatives in Ayurveda treatment;

basically classified into two, Pacifying and Cleansing.
 After the Cleansing therapy Pacifying medication will be continuing till attain the perfect health. 

 And also in cases where the illness is not that severe and do not affected the system deeply,here directly going for the Pacifying  medications.

The Cleansing therapy is involving five steps,five fold cleansing therapy called ‘Panchakarma’ therapy.

 They are Vomiting (Vamanam), Purgation (Virechanam), Medicated enema (vasthi), Medication through Nostrils (Nasyam) and the blood letting (Rakthamoksham). 

The Physician will fix the suitable methods upon the need of the condition of patient.

The Purgation (Virechanam) can be two forms either as the part of cleansing therapy or mild cleansing (mrudhu virechanam).

How the purgative medicine works?

In a diseased stage, the body contaminated in blocked channels all along the body (Srothas).

That is happening in two ways:

1.       When the wind element (Vatha Dosha)aggravates, drying up the lubricating agents in each and every tissues.

2.       When the Earth and Water elements (Kapha Dosha) aggravates there also the blockages occurring due to the fat accumulation excessively.

In both of the above cases,we have to take effort to clear the blockages by various methods.

 Purgation with laxative medicines is one among them.

 When we take the mild laxatives regularly it digesting and clearing the blocks and taking the impurities to the stomach then draining out.
 It promotes the better circulation of body fluids and proper functioning of the nervous system.
 And also  the absorption of food and eliminating the waste through sweat ,urine
and feces will happen properly.

 Then we apply the medication to rejuvenate the system simultaneously, hence we get rid of the illnesses.

Hope you got a brief idea,your comments will be appreciated.

Thank you for reading and sharing my blogs.


Saturday 2 July 2016

Newborn Baby Care in Ayurveda

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Ayurveda The Science of Life explained in eight branches.

 They are General Medicine,Pediatrics,Psychiatry,ENT,Surgery,Toxicology,Geriatrics   and Rejuvenation.

Pediatrics (Balachikitsa) It is very well explained in ayurveda texts.

The procedures for caring the  new born baby right after the the birth,care for the Mother,treatments for illnesses due to the impure breast milk,feeding and food for the infant at different periods,the methods and information to handle a new born baby.

 These are are the main topics included in the branch called “kaumarabrithyam” in ancient Sanskrit texts which is known as Pediatrics.

In these chapters explained the stages up
to the age of Two. 

Then onward up to 12 years the period is called “Balya”.

Ayurveda texts tells that a pregnant lady who taken care and very well followed the stage by stage diet lifestyle medication and other routines in every month during the pregnancy, will have a normal delivery of a healthy baby. 

Which is explained in the chapters called “Garbhini Paricharanam”.

The Mental and Physical changes during the pregnancy,the Diet,Lifestyle,the routine tests,medication etc.. are very well detailed in ancient ayurvedic texts 5000 years back itself.

The following factors affecting the growth of the baby in Mother’s womb. 
The Diet,Lifestyle,Mental stress,hypertension,anemia,cardiac problems,kidney diseases,Viral infections during the pregnancy will affect the growth of the baby.

 Medication for Thyroid and Diabetes also affecting the baby badly.

 The genetic factors like intellectual power and physical appearance will form in the mother’s womb itself. 

The baby boy will have more length and body weight than baby girl during pregnancy. 

We will have the details in coming blogs.
 Thanks for Reading and Sharing.


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Friday 1 July 2016

Ayurveda;The Way of Life : Benefits of Ginger Coffee

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Wednesday 29 June 2016

Ayurveda;The Way of Life : Diet Tips for Allergy and Asthma Patients

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Sunday 26 June 2016

Heat and Cold Potency How it works on the Human Body?

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Today we are going to discus about the effect of Heat potency and cold potency according to ayurveda.

 In this universe everything coming under the sun or moon as I said in my previous blogs.

Ayurveda basically works on the opposite principles.
 When the heat energy aggravates in the body and creating a disease that can clear off by applying the opposite principle that is the cold energy which we gain from the moon.

 Our plant kingdom in the earth are either heat-producing or cold producing but as an exception a very few they are not too cold or too hot.

The Human body structured as  the plants for their food.

 Their dentition too arranged like that as there is small-canines for human beings.

 But for carnivorous animals have prominent canine teeth.

 Just because they are eating the flesh of the animals.

 The human beings are supposed to eat only vegetarian food.

In our previous decades the plant kingdom were available in plenty for the food as well as medicines.

In ayurveda basically we use the plants only as medicines mostly.

 It works as i said above on the opposite concept. 

That means when elevation of Heat element in the body we apply the herbs which are having the cold element and vice versa.

Hence resulting the cure of the ailments.

That's  all for today.
Thank you for Reading and Sharing my Blogs.