Saturday 14 May 2016

Lower Back Ache.

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Hope you all doing well. Today i am going to mention something for  the back pain patients.
All of us in any point of time in our life we might experience the Lower Back Ache.

Major Causes:

 It is mainly affecting, due to the lac of excercise,over weight,heriditory factors,fall or accident history,Piles,constipation,urinary calculus,cysts or growth in the uterus or overies etc. are some of the most common causes for Lower Back ache.

It may be mainly affecting the lumbar area in the vertebral bones as stenosis,necrosis,prolapse,bulge,degeneration,compression and so on, as per the modern terminology.

According to ayurveda,

in general we can say that,any pain is occurring due to the vitiation of the ‘vatha’dosha or the wind element in the body.
 Vatha vitiation is happening due to the blockage in the channels (srothas).
 It is mainly happening in two ways either due to the dryness in the channels for blood supply and nerve supply or due to the blockage by the excess fat or ‘dhurmedas’.

Treatment Principles :

 In the first case,we have to clear the blockages by ‘snehana’ and ‘deepana’ then strengthen the nerves,muscles,tendons,blood vessels etc. to promote better circulation.

Hence resulting the over all rejuvenation. Once the body became healthy,the disease is no more. That is the concept of ayurveda.

In case of ‘kapha,medho’ aggravation we have to reduce the aggravated ‘kapha dosha’ and ‘dhur medas’. 
Which gives lightness to the body,enthusiasm,clears the blockage in the channels hence resulting the better functioning of the nerves,tendons,muscles etc.

We will continue in the upcoming blogs. Thank you for reading and sharing my blogs.


Friday 13 May 2016

Gynecological Disorders - Tips to Control

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Today we will have a look into the Ayurvedic Simple Health Tips for the Gynecological Disorders. 

According to Ayurveda, in the human body the food is digesting then absorbing the good part and eliminating the waste products from the body through Feces,Urine and Sweat.

 And in the females every month regularly cleansing the reproductive organ too that is in the form of menstrual bleeding. 

A number of hormonal activity involving in this process.

 So if any disturbance noticed in the menstrual cycles it denotes that something is happening abnormally in the body. 

Normally the cycle starts every 28th day and completes in 4-5 days time.

If it happens early or delays more than one or two days,clots presents,blackish discoloration,sever pain,head ache ,mood swinging,severe cramps,nausea,vomiting,giddiness etc are shows the abnormalities in the reproductive system.

 Lately if it persists it affecting the hormonal balance and other systems too.

 As the body itself has got the corrective mechanism it will be alright soon by its own. 
  If the symptoms persists for long term. You must need a expert consultation.

In ayurveda it is explained very well about all these conditions about 5000 years ago itself. 

In the ancient texts ‘charaka samhitha’ and ‘sushrutha samhitha’ gave much improtance to the ‘sthree roga vinjanam and prasoothi thanthram’ (Obstetrics and Gynecology).

 It narrates the premonitory signs,symptoms,stages,diet,how to manage,medications and treatments etc.

 Certain conditions normally seen in the clinic are painful menstruation,delayed periods,early cycles,irregular cycles,profuse bleeding,poor flow,mood swinging,short temperament,depression,fibroid uterus, white discharge PCOD- poly cystic ovarian diseases,abnormal  hair growth in females,pimples,infertility  and hair loss too.

Ayurveda can treat all these conditions with proper diet plan,lifestyle adjustments,yoga,meditation,simple home made formulations,internal herbal concoctions as well as external oil therapies depending upon the various conditions.

Here are some very simple home made solutions:

In case of delay in periods;

 30 gms of sesame seeds fry in a pan add 300 ml water boil and reduce to 150 ml then chew and swallow the sesame seeds flowed by drink that water,can be done  daily an hour before breakfast or  dinner.

 Continue this for 90 days. And also you can add more horse gram in your diet,take plenty of pineapple and papaya.

 Drink 2 Liter water daily boiled with coriander seeds.
If it is not getting relief consult your physician.

In case of early periods; 

2 teaspoon  of Arrowroot powder boil with a glass of cow milk when it turns mild gel like add bit sugar and drink Luke warm twice daily. It can be useful in case of white discharge too.

Drink plenty of milk,add lot of asparagus,bamboo shoots and pomegranate in your daily diet.

For further advise consult your Ayurveda Physician.

Thank you for Reading my Blogs and be part of Spreading Ayurveda.


Sunday 8 May 2016

Acidity an outlook

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Today we looking into a common and serious issue The Acidity.

Now days there is a huge increase in number of acidity patients.

The Reasons may be the latest trends in the food habits.

The various mode of mental stress,strain and anxiety increased when comparing to the previous decades.

Depending more on the chemically derived formulations and prescriptions for instant relief lately becoming addicted to a number of tablets in regular practice.

Depending on the over the counter products without proper advise from a qualified doctor.

The purity of water is another issue – we are getting chemically treated water even for drinking and cooking.

Excess usage of Pesticides and  fertilizers in the fruits and vegetables.

Hormones and even antibiotics which found in the meet and poultry for preserving the meat and induced growth.

Unhealthy colors and preservatives in the junk food.

Colored and Carbonated drinks.

People started moving long distances as a part of  their routine job so different weather and different dietary habits also affecting the digestive system badly.

Restaurants not keeping the complete guide lines from health control department in the hygiene,cleanliness and waste disposal areas.

Using the MSG and such kind of stuff in the food for the color smell taste and long storage.

How to Control?

Keep a healthy balanced and purified mind and body.

Keep up the regular timings for wake up,morning ablutions,food,exercise,work and sleep.

Regular Prayers according to the belief, meditation and yoga.

Prefer Homely food,fresh food,which suits your stomach,avoid food from unknown places,clean preferably vegetables and fruits. Organic too.

Early diagnosis and treatment. 

Practice the safe medication without side effects.

 Don't take medicines without proper guidance. 

Don't take medicines unnecessarily.

Thank you for Reading and Sharing.


Travel Videos

Trip to Kodaikanal 2016 Sight Seeing

Trip to Kodaikanal 2016 Dances

Saturday 7 May 2016

OOrali Video Album

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Tuesday 3 May 2016

Trip to Kodaikanal 2016

Wednesday 27 April 2016