Saturday 6 December 2014

Divine Power of the Medicated oil "Murivenna" - Benefits and Uses

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Today i  mention about a medicated oil with divine powers.

 Do you heard about the wonderful oil named ‘Murivenna’ It is the Malayalam local name,it  is believed to be originated  among the Kerala based herbal practitioners.

 Onion is one of the ingradient based in coconut oil.

The benefits and uses are as follows;

It can be applied in all the types degenerative changes of the bones,it has got remarkable tissue rebuilding power.

 So that can ease the joint pain due to the degenerative changes of the bones.

 It is indicated in the accidental injuries to muscle tissues. It will help to heal faster the various types of bruises on the skin.

 Another major significance is it works as an anti septic  also, so we can apply on the scars due to the injuries from the metal plates.

 It can be used in burns also.

For more info contact your Ayurveda Physician.

Thank you for Reading and Sharing my Blogs on Ayurveda Health Tips.


Sunday 30 November 2014

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Friday 21 November 2014

Causes for Back Pain

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Causes for Back Pain,

Irregular Periods,

Urinary Stone,

Cysts or growth in the vertebral column,

Hemorrhoids or Piles.

These above said conditions also may lead to Back Pain.

 So the Back Pain patients suffering these problems should be treated at the earliest.

 Consult your physician for more details.

Thank You for Reading and Sharing my blogs on Ayurveda Health Tips.


Wednesday 12 November 2014

Back Pain - Simple Tips

Hello Readers and my Dear Patients,

Today i just want to mention about a wonderful single drug remedy for the Lower Back Pain.

As i said in my previous blogs the constipation and piles will enhance the blockage for the energy flow around the waist muscles,sacral and Lumbar bones at the Back.

 So the pain will be aggravating in such conditions.

The following Remedy will help to pacify the condition up to a certain extend. 

You can also try it out and feel the change,share your experience in your circle.

Castor oil + vitex nigundo leaf juice (nirgundi swarasam)
Castor Oil 5 - 10 ml ( it is a mild herbal laxative) add 30 ml tender leaf juice of ‘Nirgundy’ plant(Sanskrit). English Name is ‘Vitex nigundo’ and Malayalam name is ‘Karinochi’.

 Stir well to mix both castor oil and tender leaf juice,it should be taken early morning in empty stomach continuously for 21 days.

As it is a laxative you get 2- 3 times bowel movements in the morning.

 You can adjust the dosage of castor oil.

 You may feel slight stomach ache while taking this mixture,then you drink hot water gulp by gulp in frequent intervals.

You can also apply the castor oil warm with camphor and asfoetida on the lumbar area at the lower back.

These applications will be enough to pacify the severity of pain.

 For further management consult your physician.

Thank You for reading and Sharing my blogs on Ayurveda health tips.

Add your email in bottom end column of this blog and follow me for regular updates.


Tuesday 11 November 2014

Benefits of Rasnadi Choornam

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Patients with following conditions should apply the ‘Rasnadi Choornam’ daily in the evening at the middle of the head;

Dust allergy,
Bronchial Asthma,
Nasal Polyp,
Septal Deviation,
Allergic Asthma,

In these above conditions can avoid the head bath which will help to pacify the symptoms.

Morning and Evening apply one to two pinch of 'Rasnadi choornam' on the middle of the head and sniff the fingers on the nostrils after applying on head.

Where to apply;
One or two pinch 'Rasnadi choornam' to be applied on the middle of the head where the junction of left & right parietal lobes and the frontal lobe of the skull bones,there you can feel a soft skinny area.

 Apply gently for a minute then you can wipe of the hair which look reddish after the application.

Head bath should be reduced in all the illnesses affecting on the head region.

You can feel the difference in the long run,some time you can even stop all the medication for the above said illnesses.

Thank You for Reading and Sharing my Blogs on Ayurveda Health Tips.


Monday 10 November 2014

Precautions for Back pain Patients...

Hello my Dear Readers and Patients,

We will continue with the back pain management. Back Pain patient should not have the constipation  and over weight.

So you have to take everything enhancing  the bowel movements. 

Take more green leafy vegetables,fruits,drink plenty of water etc. 

Have a very light dinner especially soup based dinner,fruits alone or even skip the dinner.

 If it is not working then you can try some mild Laxatives too.

The constipation may be occurring due to the internal piles.

 It blocks the wind element and creates the  inflammatory state at the Lumbo-Sacral region or the Lower back.

 Hence resulting the aggravation of Backache. The wind element should flow properly in the downward direction from head to toe,then only the wind can perform its functions perfectly.

Another issues which elevates the wind are,wind aggravating food substances like root tubers,lentils etc. Improper food timings and stress & tension also may gives rise to the bloating and constipation which may aggravates the Back ache. 

When the ‘vatha’ or wind elevates in the body and creates a kind of drying up situation in each and every cellular level,causing the lac of synovial fluid and degeneration of Discs.

 When there is lacing of lubricants in the cells,the muscle fibers will be in brittle state,discs will be degenerating,bone density will be less,stiffness will be developing,delay in passing the signals from the brain through spinal cord and nerves.

All these above said conditions reflects as the Aches and Pains in the Lower Back ache or Lumbago.

We will continue in the next blogs.

Thank You for Reading and Sharing my blogs on Ayurveda Health Tips.


Friday 7 November 2014

Conjunctivitis - Tips to Control

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

How to manage Conjunctivitis:
The common symptoms are;
Itching eyes, Feeling like some foreign bodies in the eyes,excess sticky and watery discharge in the eyes,slightly paining,difficulty in keep open the eyes,feels tightness of the muscles around the eyes,burning sensation in the eyes,mild swelling on the eye lids,mild head ache and fever,reddish discoloration in the eyes,difficulty with direct light etc are the common symptoms in conjunctivitis.

How to prevent the spreading;

Wash your hands often when doing other job after you got infected,
Wear sun glass or plain glass to protect spreading the virus.
Should not use the articles like towels and soap etc. which is using by the infected person,
Try to keep distance from the infected person.

Do’s ;

Wash your eyes with fresh water at least ten times daily,
Add more vegetables in your daily diet,
Take plenty of fruits,
Wipe out your eyes with a cotton piece dipped in Luke warm water,
Give enough rest to your eyes,by closing your eyes gently.
Make sure 8 hours sleep at night,
Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily,
Symptoms may persists upto 5- 7 days time.

Avoid spicy,oily fried items in your daily diet,
Avoid Chicken,eggs,beef,curd and pickle,
Avoid Day time sleep,
Avoid using TV and Computers more 10 min time in 3 hours period,
Should not use the spectacles which others used,

Simple Health Tips;
Drinking water should be boil with Corriander seeds, 10 gms seeds boil with 2 liter water for 20 min,filter and store and drink luke warm frequently.
Take mild laxative at bed time; 10 gms Vara choornam mix with 60 ml hot water to be taken at bed time.
Boil 300 ml water with 15 gms of varachoornam filter it well repeatedly for three times,allow to cool pour in the eyes gently twice in a day morning and evening – should not be done during hot sun.
Followed by pour 5 ml pure breast milk in both eyes,twice daily.
If your not feeling comfortable with these tips consult your doctor for further advise.

Thank you for Reading and Sharing my Blogs on Ayurveda Health Tips.

Attention Back Pain Patients..

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Hope you all doing well.
 Today i am going to mention about the back pain patients.

 All of us in any point of time in our life we might experience the Lower Back Ache.

 It is mainly affecting, due to the lac of exercise,over weight,hereditary factors,fall or accident history,Piles,constipation,urinary calculus,cysts or growth in the uterus or ovaries etc. are some of the most common causes for Lower Back ache.

It may be mainly affecting the lumbar area in the vertebral bones as stenosis,necrosis,prolapse,bulge,degeneration,compression and so on, as per the modern terminology.

According to Ayurveda,in general we can say that,any pain is occurring due to the vitiation of the ‘vatha’dosha or the wind element in the body. 

Vatha vitiation is happening due to the blockage in the channels (srothas).

 It is mainly happening in two ways either due to the dryness in the channels for blood supply and nerve supply or due to the blockage by the excess fat or ‘dhurmedas’.

 In the first case,we have to clear the blocakges by ‘snehana’ and ‘deepana’ then strengthen the nerves,muscles,tendons,blood vessels etc. to promote better circulation.

 Hence resulting the over all rejuvenation.
 Once the body became healthy,the disease is no more. That is the concept of Ayurveda.

In case of ‘kapha,medho’ aggravation we have to reduce the aggravated ‘kapha dosha’ and ‘dhur medas’.

 Which gives lightness to the body,enthusiasm,clears the blockage in the channels hence resulting the better functioning of the nerves,tendons,muscles etc.

We will continue in the upcoming blogs. Thank you for reading and sharing my blogs.


Wednesday 29 October 2014

How to eat our food? The rules and Regulations - Ayurveda view.

Hello Readers and my Dear Patients,

How should  we Eat our food?

This question has got the relevance at this period of time. In Ayurveda texts explain what should we eat,when we should eat,type of food and many more.

According to ayurveda we should eat the food in a calm and clean place,should take food in time.

 Ayurveda science suggesting two meals in a day once early in the morning and the next one should be in the evening.

And also giving the following directions to have the food.

Should not talk while eating.

Should not take faster.

Should not be very slow.

Should not sleep just after having food.

Should not walk,run ,climb steps or travel  just after food.

And also tells that,we should smell the food,we have to touch and see the food. 

By the smell itself our digestive glands secrets the saliva,by touching and seeing we can identify the food the quality,quantity, whether it is suitable for our body or not etc.

We should not eat frequently.

Should not walk while eating
Should not watch TV when eating.

We should pray before eating,should thank God for getting the food for our survival.

The quantity should be one third of our stomach volume in order to have one portion for the food,one portion for the water and one portion should be left for air.

We should chew the food very well in the mouth till it gets liquid form and the saliva will be mixed well .

 It will enhance the complete digestion and absorption of the food.

 Then we will be enjoy the food ,we should feel the taste hence we will have the satisfaction too.

When we chew the food and gives enough time in the mouth it will be better for the proper ‘dhathu parinama’.

Thank you for reading and sharing my blogs.

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