Thursday 4 January 2018

Garlic - Actions and Uses


Botanical Name: Alium Sativum

Family Name:  Lilliaceae

Sanskrit: Lasunam

Malayalam Name: Veluthulli

Tamil Name: Vellai Poondu

Useful Part: the Bulb

Ayurveda Properties:
Rasam: Maduram, Lavanam, Katu,

Gunam: Sngdham, Theekshnam, Guru, Saram

Veeryam: Ushna Veeryam

Vipakam: Katu paakam

It Subsides vatha and Kapha dhosha,

Corrects the irregular Menstrual Cycles,

Controls Intestinal worm infestations,

Reduces Ear ache,

Reduces and Controls the Excess fat in the body.


Garlic crush it and paste with the Epsom salt to be applied on the knee joints will help to reduce the pain.

Roasted Garlic in fire to be taken after removing the skin, it is good for bloating and gas trouble.

30 gms Garlic boiled with 125 ml milk and 250 ml water, reduced to 125 ml to be taken before breakfast and before dinner 60 ml each – it is good to reduce cardiac blockages and helps to reduce excess fat from the body.

Garlic juice mixed with equal quantity of mustard oil can be applied on chest in case of Bronchial Asthma and Cough.

Garlic juice 2 drops each to apply in ears will help to reduce ear ache and oozing.

Fungal infections in between the fingers of legs, we can apply   paste of Garlic and turmeric on the affected area.

Thank you for Reading and Sharing my Blogs on Ayurveda Health Tips.

DR.T.L.Xavier  B.A.M.S