Friday 8 July 2016

How the Natural Forces Influencing the Human Body

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

The Natural forces are the Space,Air,Fire,Water and Earth and these five elements ruled by the Sun and Moon.

 We surviving because of their proper balanced state or by maintaining the absolute equilibrium.

 When it breaks the equilibrium, it reflects in the entire universe, leads to the natural calamities like earth quake,flood,depression,tsunami,drought, Heavy rain fall etc..

The modern science is growing faster enough to trace and track them up to a certain extend.

 That is why now we can predict the tornado,solar eclipse,Rain etc. 

And also we are able to measure it with the maximum accuracy.

Even though, when we reach so close to the universal forces then we realize that what we found is just a fraction only and we have to travel infinite to the absolute truth.

 Our scientists works throughout day and night to define the natural forces,till now we don’t have a final answer.

The human body also influenced by these life forces.

What ever actions happening in our body is due to the proper balancing of these energies. 

When it breaks the equilibrium it appears as the various illnesses.

 In our body each one of them has got its own duties.

 The space element allows to hear, Air element gives the feeling of touch and controls the nervous system, the fire digesting the food and controls the circulatory system,water maintains the fluid balance and gives the unctuousness to the body, and the earth element gives the shape and keep up the musculature of the body.

 And these are functioning depending on the cold from the Moon or heat from the Sun. 

In short,the air,the fire,the water (vatha,pitha and kapha in sanskrit) plays the major role. 

The Air or ‘Vatha’ controls the entire nervous system. 

Walking,thinking,excretion,speech,memory and many more activities are happening by the proper functioning of the air or vatha dosha.

When a patient complaints,aches,pains,stiffness,constipation or blockage of urine etc. here we can understand the aggravation of the wind element. 

When the vatha dosha aggravates it is affecting any one or more above said functions.

 It denotes the severity of illness when it affecting more number of systems.

When the fire or pitha dosha affecting, it shows different signs and symptoms on the skin and the digestive system too.

When the water or ‘kapaha dosha’ aggravates it presents symptoms like phlegm accumulation, bronchial asthma, obesity etc.

Just like the clouds show the chance for rain, we can read the various illnesses from the presenting pre-monitory signs and symptoms from the body.

The Ancient texts Charaka Samhitha, Sushrutha Samhitha and Ashtanaga hrudayam explained about these more than 5000 years back itself.

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