Thursday 26 May 2016

Causes for Back Pain

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Good Morning everybody,

It is a very lovely Friday morning,
 as usual i woke to post my blogs and just now i got first phone call today  from one my patient at Chennai, 

she was telling couldn't sleep last night because of the sever back pain. 

She want to know the causes for Lower Back Pain.

 I Suggested her consult the doctor, go for an U.S.G Abdomen test there in the morning and send me the report soon.

I just want to confirm whether there is any Kidney stone or not?

Lower back Pain may occur due to the following reasons too.

Urinary Stone,
Irregular Periods ,
Uterine Fibroid,
Ovarian Cysts,
Cysts or growth in the vertebral column,
Chronic constipation,
Hemorrhoids or Piles etc.

These above said conditions also may be the causative factor for Back Pain.

According to Ayurveda,

 when anything interrupts the free flow of the wind energy in the body in the downward direction may cause the aches and pains in the body. 

Abdomen is the largest hollow space in the body.

 So anything related with wind disorders will reflect in and around the abdominal area at first.

So the Back Pain patients suffering above said issues should be treated at the earliest.

 Consult your doctor for more details.

Thank You.