Friday 22 August 2014

Basic Principles and Concepts of "Ayurveda" and how it works on the Human Body

Hello Readers,

Today we are going to discuss about the Basic principles of ayurveda and how it works on the human body to rejuvenate the body and attains the balance hence resulting the cure of the illness.

Ayurveda; the science of life believes that anything under the sun and moon they are either of hot potency or of cold potency means everything can make heat or cold by the influence of sun or moon.

This is the base of ayurveda. 

Yesterday I explained about the five element theory and Three life forces in the body.

We start with the details of sun: It is very hot when sun become powerful by noon the dehydration is happening,fire element in the body aggravating its nature.

 So the Pitha dosha will be dominant in the noon time. 

Same way during the “sarath rithu” in this season the fire element will be ruling the entire atmosphere. 

So we getting the diseases due to the vitiated fire element (Pitha Dosha).

Pitha dosha mainly affecting the digestive system,circulatory system,it controls the vision,blood related disorders etc..these are some of the examples.

The basic properties of the fire element told in Sanskrit texts are as follows;
“pitham sasneha theekshnoshnam laghu visram saram dravam” (sanskrit slogan)

It can circulate,very hot,light,foul-smelling,liquid form,can flow,slightly unctuous .

Here when we get a disease due to the raised and vitiated pitha dosha or fire element we have to apply the herbs which are of opposite properties. 

When the fire burns we pour water in order to stop the fire as the water having just opposite properties to fire. 

Same way to treat pitha or fire aggravated disease we apply the medicines made of the herbs which are opposite to fire element .

It is cold . When the moon influencing our body the vatha or wind element and Kapha or water element will be aggravating. 

Vatha and kapha both are cold where the pitha is hot.

The difference between vatha and kapha ,even though both are cold ,the wind element the
vatha is very light ,moving,rough, hard,minute, and cold

Kapha is very heavy ,dense,unctuous,slow and cold in nature.

The water element will be aggravating in the early morning hours and during the winter.

It will aggravate the phlegm in the body.

 We may get the diseases like, phlegm accumulation in the chest and head region,bronchial asthma,high cholesterol,cardiac blockages,obesity,migraine,sinusitis etc..
Here,to treat these conditions we are applying the herbs which are of hot potency.

 Some examples for the herbs which are of hot potency – Piper nigrum(pepper), Piper longum(Thippali), Calotropis(erukku) etc..

According to ayurveda we can treat any diseased condition by applying just opposite properties.

We Analyse the patient by signs and symptoms.

In Ayurveda texts it explained three methods to diagnose a patient.

“Darshana,sparsana,prasnaihe parikshetha cha roginam”.(Sanskrit slogan)

That means by seeing the patient and the affected areas,by the touch and feel the affected part whether it is cold or hot etc.

 And asking the patient about the symptoms just like when it started where is it affecting,when it will be aggravating etc..

I know you can't grasp it exactly isn't it? Ok I can understand so we will stop today.

 I gone bit deep into the subject.

 Dont worry,will be easy when it come to the practical application area.

Thank you so much for reading my blog.

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